RSE sponsors AIA Brazos "What's Happening in the Brazos Valley" event at the DesignSpark Innovation Center
Ramirez Simon Engineering was a Gold sponsor for the informative AIA Brazos event held Monday evening. Representatives of Bryan, College Station, and the Brazos Valley filled us in on the extensive ongoing Economic Development efforts, as well as some recent award-winning successes in attracting innovative, high-tech, particularly bio-life science industries, as well as big market companies to the B/CS area. The speakers,
Joey Dunn - City of Bryan, Deputy City Manager
Brian Piscacek - City of College Station, Economic Development Manager
Matt Prochaska - Brazos Valley Economic Development Center, President and CEO, provided insight into the initiatives, as well as many of the potential projects that we can look forward to in our area.
Many thanks to the speakers and to AIA Brazos for allowing RSE to be a small part of this successful event!